In May 2005,the Federal Minister for the Arts and Sport, Senator the Hon
Rod Kemp,
announced the outcomes of Playing Australia Round 25.
Playing Australia is the Australian Government's national performing arts
touring program, which gives Australians across the country the
opportunity to see some of our best performing arts.
One of the winners of this prestigious program is the Sensitive New Age
Cowpersons who will have a series of national tours coordinated for them
by Country Arts WA.
The Sensitive New Age Cowpersons are set to make tracks from December this
year into 2006.
The Cowpersons will tour around Australia and will play a total of 28
venues in New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria, Queensland and
Western Australia.
"We're very excited and honoured to be on these tours. The boys are all
looking forward to playing in parts of Australia we haven't been to
before, meeting lots of new people and hopefully giving our audiences a
great night out," said Cowpersons front man, "Calamity" Jim Fisher.
"As the SNACs are from Western Australia, we would never be able to have
them here without assistance from Playing Australia. Because of the unique
nature of the SNACs, their visit will diversify the experiences for our
audiences," said Charles Parkinson of the Hothouse Theatre in Wodonga.